14728 Keswick St.

Van Nuys, Ca 91405

(818) 475 - 6705

Call or Text For Great Coffee Service!

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00 pm

Customer Service Hours

About Us

A Little Bit About Us

Moonlight Coffee is a family – owned and operated business since the year 2000. Currently we have a small but efficient crew of 5.
This included Art the founder, his two sons John and Arsen, and Roast Masters Pete and Gor. 
Over these past 20 + years we’ve been learning to perfect our roast and are always trying to get better!

Since we specialize mostly in bulk sales we have the advantage of lower costs, which we like to pass onto the buyer.

Our mission is to provide our coffee partners with high quality, consistent, fresh coffee!

Join The Moonlight Family!